Free Trial
Invite your teams for a lunch time conversation on:
Stress Management
Managing Wellbeing
Emotional Intelligence
Women in Leadership
Energy Management
These are group sessions
(10 -15 people)
Once weekly for 6-8 weeks
(1,5-2 hours)
Tailored to your needs
Formal Mindfulness Practice
Sitting Meditation
Body Scan Meditation
Mindful Movement
Walking Meditation
As we navigate unchartered waters in business and society, leadership approaches need to change.
Contact Us For A Tailored Quote
The Covid-19 pandemic has only amplified the mental health issues that have been simmering in the background of workplace wellbeing.
Managing Energy & Exhaustion
Managing Job Attitude
Managing Professional Efficacy
Managing Personal Wellbeing & Leadership
Avoiding Burnout
Read more about my corporate services below
Invite your teams for a lunch time conversation on:
Leading In Uncertain Times, Wellbeing, Emotional Intelligence, Women In Leadership, Managing Energy.
customized key note talks for your context so we can create a support structure for people to connect and gather on topics that are meaningful to them
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention, on purpose, in a particular way, and without judgment. It is a sustained integrative mind-body approach that helps people change the way they think and feel about their experiences. It involves paying attention to our thoughts and feelings so that we become more aware of them and less enmeshed in them and better able to manage them.
The benefits of steady practice of mindfulness can have an impact on overall health and wellbeing and quality of life. It can positively affect performance by helping manage stress and relationships, and also by improving communication through deeper presence and listening. It may also have an impact on chronic disease, and how people manage them. Neuroscience is demonstrating interesting changes in the structure of the brain as well.
Formal Mindfulness Based training programs can be tailored:
These are group sessions (10 -15 people).
Once weekly of 1,5-2 hours for 6-8weeks (tailored to your needs).
The sessions are used for:
– Enquiry into practice where people share their experiences at their own comfort
– Formal Mindfulness Practice
– Sitting Meditation
– Body Scan Meditation
– Mindful Movement (gentle stretching exercises and no prior experience required)
– Walking Meditation
Structured “homework” is probably the most important aspect of the program, where participants have the opportunity to embed practice into their lives. There’s a homework manual and guided audio clips that will be created to enable their practice.
These are group sessions, tailored to your needs.
As we navigate unchartered waters in business and society, leadership approaches need to change. While there was already the signal and call for different leadership in the Pre-Covid era, we now sit in the midst of a dramatic change in how we live and work for the foreseeable future. Are your leaders equipped with managing themselves and their people in a more connected, authentic and resilient manner, that will allow them to lead themselves and their teams into the unknown?
Now, more than ever before, we need to harness humanity in leadership. Connected. Firm. Engaged. Present. Empathetic.
Lets sit together to discuss a program that can help you create a mindful, sustainable organization to take humanity forward.
The Covid-19 pandemic has only amplified the mental health issues that have been simmering in the background of workplace wellbeing.
The WHO, in 2019 reclassified Burnout as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.
It is characterized by three dimensions:
– Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
– Increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job
– Reduced professional efficacy
How are you managing your workforce, not to prevent burnout and stress, but rather to thrive and perform at peak, at an individual and team level.
Start the conversations that need to be started. Create awareness of personal wellbeing and leadership. I’ve created a Well@Work series that is a good start to spark the conversation and get you thinking about how you would like to re-create and co-engineer change that is deep, human, reflective and focuses on the inner and outer work.
We can tailor the times and engagements to meet your needs and the places that we will go are:
– Understanding wellbeing from a neurobiological perspective
– Getting insight of personal leadership and self awareness
– Personal effectiveness and mastery
– Managing energy and time
– Igniting Synergy in teams