My attention and thought has recently settled on “personal dilemmas”. Much of this, because I see my own reflection a few years ago. Some of my symptoms – confusion, “my mind is driving me nuts”, “I’m just not sure”. Now, as I look on, I can almost sense the racing minds – 160km/hr on the highway! One thought leads to another, and another, and another. Before you know it, your brain is swimming. The outcome – exhaustion, fatigue, discontentment. The cause – misalignment. Gandhi said true happiness comes when what you think, say, do and feel are in alignment. What does this mean?
As humans, we have a few faculties that are core to our states of being. The first is – your values. Now this may seem like “that old cliché”. I see you rolling your eyes “not this again” Give me a few minutes, and I will explain. Take a piece of paper. What is the most important things to you – your beliefs, your feelings. Where do your thoughts go “when the mind is racing”. Some of the clues to your values sit there.
Now, second question. How true are you to your values? The clues to this answer lie in your second faculty. Is what you say and do in sync with how you feel? If the answer to this question is no – enter “confusion, dilemma, exhaustion”.
Another way of looking at a “dilemma” is a conflict between the “head” and the “heart & gut”. This is the sense that you get when you “think and think and think” and still can’t come to an answer. The age old sayings “go with your gut” and “your gut is always right” has so much of merit. As humans, we have conditioned ourselves to believe that we are “the mind”. This is very far from the truth. Spiritual or not, we have all had the time when a little voice was saying something to you. And no, its not some form of psychosis…
So, while charting the waters, sometimes rough, sometimes calm, take out your compass – your own GPS. What are your values – your truth? What does your heart say? This takes courage – to accept and be true to yourself and is also not easy. However, it’s significantly more peaceful, aligned and whole than a racing mind, constant doubt, anxiety, and a life of doubt and dilemma. The consequences that may follow could be your personal health as your energy levels are intricately linked to your core – your values. The tangible elements of psychosomatic illness, fatigue, depression could also manifest. Look in the mirror – Do you acknowledge what do you see?
Look out for my next blog on health..
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