You wake up in the morning, to switch off your alarm, and instantly notice the trail of messages, notifications and messages lighting up your screen. As you trample your way to the bathroom, you’ve probably checked and responded to some of the messages, and already about to click onto Twitter to see what you may have missed out on.
Sound familiar? Through the day, your attention waxes and wanes between one or two – sometimes three screens. Never able to fully be with one activity, you somehow make it through the day. Getting home – also an issue. Notice the uncomfortable urge to check that screen at traffic lights. Sometimes dinner may be with the screen somewhere around. Even listening to music, or watching something will have your attention fighting between one or other activity
– as messages pop past your screen… –
The reality is that the new economy is the attention economy. Attention is capital. Every click generating income for one or the other major virtual company. This overwhelming sense of distraction – of never fully being with one or other thing, person, activity place is not without consequence. How many of you can even read for a minute without needing to go back and re-focus? The impact of distraction is massive – mind, body and spirit. Cognitive changes, physiological changes and an overwhelming sense of disconnection is what is in the foreground of our future as a human species.
So what can you do? At this point, I think you know – so I am not even going to say anything. If you would like – ask me and I will tell you.
We are more connected and disconnected than ever before. Yet the solution is right here. Right here, with each breath – most importantly with conscious choice. Please choose wisely.