Yesterday we explored the automaticity that we all live in, the absence. And looked at “presence” as a choice..
Lets start today with a practice. For a minute, just tune into your breathing – feel your inbreath and your out breath. The sensations that accompany the breath, where you feel the breath most vividly. Don’t change the breath, just notice the breath with detail noticing of the sensations that accompany your breath…
Just in that minute, you have become more present than you were before. More attuned to yourself in that presentmoment. This is mindfulness – Its about Paying attention, on purpose, in a non judgmental way.
Its about cultivating attention and inhabiting your life fully
Its about being open to the good and bad with open ness, kindness and curiosity.
Being present rather than absent. Deliberate rather than automatic.
The benefits of mindfulness, over the last couple of decades span body, mind and spirit. Its pervasiveness has grown in so many sectors of society like teaching, medicine, to name but a few. Let’s not say that mindfulness is the answer and panacea to everything. It is definitely part of the puzzle though – to shift the consciousness of humanity – even a tiny bit. In the absence of this, what do we have to start to turn the tide on the chaos that we are surrounded by everyday.
So till tomorrow, if all you do is stop, observe and then go again. If all you do, is slow down and notice your breath, tuning in to your body, you are practicing the ancient art of grounding yourself in the present moment – awakening to life.
You have nothing to lose. Chat tomorrow.
Wishing you presence to your world