What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness, is a way of being present, on purpose, and without judgement. It is training in attention, to the observation of self, with an attitude of kindness and compassion. It teaches us how to be in a different relationship with our thoughts, without trying to change anything.
So much of our lives are spent looking behind us – the past, or in front of us – the future, that we are rarely ever fully present to the now – the only thing that we really have.
From this habitual way of living either in the past or the future, is where stress is borne.
Yet, we all have innate capacity and resources to contact the present moment, with patience, trust and kindness – and live into life more fully.
What is MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction?
MBSR is an program that has been researched and run since 1979. It is an 8 week program with training in formal and informal mindfulness techniques which can be incorporated into daily living.
The benefits of this training can impact healthy people or chronic disease and pain.
Some of these benefits which have been documented are:
Improved wellbeing and sleep
Better coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety and stress
Better focus and memory
Better Immune system
Reduction in blood pressure
While it is not the panacea and cure for all illness, nor a substitute for medical care, mindful practice moves us from the unconscious habitual patterns to being more awake. In this way, changing stress hormones, and impacting overall health by making us more responsive rather than reactive to whats happening around, and inside us. You may also learn to become more aware of your habits and patterns that influence your current state of health, and how to recognize, acknowledge and possible change these habits to live a healthier lifestyle.
The program itself consists of :
8 sessions, each of 2,5 hours duration and
culminates in a full one day silent retreat.
Importantly, it advocates “homework” and mindful practice between sessions, as a way of embedding mindfulness into daily living.
What do we do in the sessions:
Guided mindfulness meditation
Gentle mindful movement and stretching (no prior experience required)
Group discussions (voluntary and at your own comfort)
Between sessions
You will receive links with guided mindfulness practice for daily practice and receive guidance on what to practice for the week
What you will need to bring to the sessions:
A yoga mat
A cushion to sit on (chairs will also be available for those not comfortable on the floor)
An open mind and heart
What you need for the full day retreat:
All of the above
A light healthy vegetarian lunch
Contact me on 0824106804 for further information.
Opening to presence and awareness takes courage, and yet,
is it not the only way for a life truly and fully lived?
With heart,
Ashika Pillay