So, we’ve spoken about genes, the environment, and getting to the core – the cause. Is there more, that we have at our disposal, to use, in order to “show up” differently?
Evidence in neuroscience is showing that by shifting and moving, by thinking differently, we are able to “wire-in” new thoughts. As we discussed yesterday, this changes the neurochemistry and the genetic expression of the body. Performing tasks, and thinking in the same way, day in and day out hardwires only certain neuronal pathways.
However, the capacity of the brain, for making new connections (activating new synapses in medical speak) is massive, and possibly in the quadrillions. THIS is your potential to learn, unlearn and relearn!!!
New ways of thinking, new experiences and learning activates these connections in seconds! Its literally “mind over matter”, and the mind turning into matter according to Deepak Chopra. So what do you think? Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
It’s about will power and the intention to shift, to move. To see your health and life with new a new way, to use the blue or green lenses, to uncover the roots and decide – is it fate, or faith, in yourself, that will make all the difference?
Go ahead. MAKE the connections.
They ARE there. Latent potential – waiting for YOU to activate!